September 25,2008

I wrote this a few days after I decided to return to India, as I was typing protocols on my computer, thoughts starting flowing into words and I began typing....It was a regular day at work…
10. Place cartridge over the equilibrated column and remove cap. Using a plunger gently push the solution to enter the column. Allow the solution to enter the resin by gravity. Do not force the white lysate to enter the resin. I am going home! To a place where I don’t have to keep wishing that everyone in the world has a good day. The bus driver, the security guard, the waiter, person in elevator, person at bus stop, person in the bathroom for god's sake! I want to go back to the place where it is perfectly normal to ignore the person in the elevator, and pretend the bus driver does not exist, act as though the bus somehow magically makes its way through rush hour traffic.

Speaking of traffic, I want to go back to a place where I can honk – honk till my horn is sore! God, what a simple stress buster! Angry with your boss? Honk your heart out at the autorikshaw driver till he’s deaf, he probably doesn’t care about his life anyway. Lost a job? Congratulations! You qualify for a honk, yelling and one minute of uninterrupted swearing at the bus driver who blocked your way! Oh, ignoring the bus driver is only limited to when you are inside the bus.

You can ignore other people too, like as a woman you are taught to ignore pretty much every male of the species. Until one day your parents shove one of them in front of you and say, “He’s the best for you”. Hello? Don’t you have to see ‘good’ and ‘better’ before you can say he’s the best? Marriage is right now a sticky subject for me since one by one, I’ve started losing my friends to unknown strangers who suddenly take up all their time. Duh, strangers are unknown… but that’s how mad I am! But more of my expert views on marriage in a later post. Right now I’m just excited to be going home. And not just for the traffic and grumpy people (how shallow do you think I am??), I’ve got some actual reasons. Like I no longer need to go to work everyday, and come home and pay the bills, cook food, clean the apartment etc. I want to go to a place where mom cooks, dad works, dad pays the bills and mom cleans. Sounds like heaven doesn’t it?

But there’s still some time left for that, until then –

11. Wash twice with 10ml QC.
12. Once all buffer QC has drained, place the cartridge on a 10ml tube and add 5ml elution buffer QF. Oh Well…

And by the way, if you have read all this – well done, I love you, now please get a life! And if you’ve just scrolled all the way down – you haven’t missed anything (although if you are in class right now and pretending to study, I suggest going up and reading it again.

13. Precipitate the DNA with 3.5ml isopropanol.

January 17, 2008

A snowflake clung to a strand of my hair and hung in front of my eyes. It is the most beautiful sight I have seen in a long time. I have been walking for the past ten minutes in the snow, but its taken a snowflake dangling before me to actually see how beautiful it was around me. Yes, it has been snowing non stop today and needless to say, it is beautiful. Too bad the wind is behind me and I can’t feel the snow on my face. As I walk home, the wind's direction has changed and it is now snowing right into my face. Thank you. I don’t know whom I am thanking. Wait, maybe I do.

I come home. I find a packet lying on the sofa. I have been waiting for days. A birthday gift from home. I call out my roommates’ names and realize none of them are back. Thank you.

I tear open my packet and find a beautiful dress, four old photographs, a shawl and a letter. I throw everything else aside and slit open the letter. I can’t read for a few minutes. I shut my eyes close and let the extra drops of water fall off my eyelashes. I open my eyes, and start reading the letter. Sight of my dad’s handwriting makes me well up again. You are disgusting! I finally read the whole letter, slowly put it down and look at all the other stuff. I look out of the window, and then at the entire room. Thank you. This time I was sure who I was thanking.

That moment everything felt right. I felt as though all my dreams will come true. Everything is beautiful. The packet arriving for me on such a beautiful day, the snowflake on my hair, and the fact that I did not have to share all this with anyone. Thank you!

Hem, Haw

So its been over a year since I started this blog, and forgot all about it. It took me a while to figure out the username and password (lucky that I write all my passwords and ATM numbers in a little blue notebook and hide it under my- I won't tell you!). Anyway, so I've decided to paste all my random writings here, because this space does not deserve to be empty. But primarily because my computer is running out of disk space and I don't like to backup trash, so I'm going to dump it on you instead!